Written By: Jeix Hello and welcome to my article about Fortune Ladies. I go by the username Jeix on Discord and Dueling Book and as you can see this Fortune Lady list is very unusual, so allow me to help you better understand it.
The second flaw is how useless the rest of your Fortune Ladies are unless you are bringing them out with Light. Drawing them ensures a brick as Dark requires a Tribute and a successful Battle Phase to work, even a Ryko stops her. Water only works on a Special Summon, and she has terrible stats too. At least she’s good when she does work, unlike Earth, which you shouldn’t even be running. The same applies to Fire, which has even worse stats. To round things out, Wind is the only one that works on a Normal Summon, making her the only Lady you want to draw but at the same time just a bad version of Breaker by herself, meaning that it’s going to usually be bad to run multiples, which is what you’d want to do to draw her more often. She’s useless when Special Summoned by either Light or Dark. Whether you choose to run 3, 1 or 0, she’s always going to disappoint you. Yes, even running 0 copies will cause disappointment. As you can see the main Ladies are full of contradictions and could have been designed a lot better to work together in more ways than just Light into Dark into Water. Support Cards
"I scrounged around in the dumps so you wouldn't have to"If you scour old forums online you’ll find threads dating back to 2010 with some Fortune Lady lists. I’ve done all the hard work for you and already extensively tested every single idea I could find. Feel free to start over if you hate yourself but the long story short is that nothing works. Most lists rely on bad cards that are even worse if you don’t have access to Light or that are just too slow in general. Let’s see some examples:
The finicky nature of Fortune Lady cards leave them vulnerable to any sort of disruption, which top tier decks run a large amount of. Bottomless and Prison destroy Dark, as does Book of Moon, and any simple chain could cause your Light to miss timing. Icarus Attack and Gladiator Beast’s War Chariot can ruin your day and force your turn to end prematurely. Royal Oppression is often a straight game over. Before you ask, Dust Tornado deals with it better than Fortune Lady Wind, as you don’t have to give up one special summon and then risk Wind getting book’d, stopping her from popping Oppression. The Deck List Now that you’ve been properly warned about the absolute nightmare that playing Fortune Ladies in a semi-competitive Edison format environment is, allow me to introduce to you the only decklist that I was able to garner moderate success with: This list has been put together with the idea of resolving our Lights and Darks as many times as possible every single turn, and hopefully drowning the opponent in card advantage.
but relies on your opponent attacking it. If they do, you’ll be able to flip Light up on your turn, then banish Apprentice to pop Light, bringing out another Light and repeat until you have Dark in play, 2 Lights banished and 1 in the graveyard. If you have another Lady to Normal Summon that isn’t Water, you’ll also draw 2 cards with this simple setup. This sequence allows you to bring out Dark without losing anything and setting up all the Fortune’s Future you'll ever need. During the midgame, Skull Lair can serve as a pseudo Teleport, popping Light to bring out either Fire for a Ring of Destruction effect or Water for a Pot of Greed. You can’t do any of this in chain to anything or Light will miss timing. If, however, your opponent sets a Ryko without attacking your Apprentice, you are screwed. Your Very Vulnerable Extender: Ruthless Denial
"Draw Light or lose the game: the deck" You may have noticed me mentioning Fortune Lady Light a lot. You guessed it, if you fail to find her, you cannot play the game. If your opponent disrupts her, you are likely to lose. All of your cards harness the power of Light, the only good starter this deck has, and don’t really do much without her. Your triple Apprentice, the Tomato, the Sangan (to NOT get Fortune Ladies with) and the One for One are all direct or indirect ways of getting to Light. Once you have her, you are looking to start looping through her, Dark and Water turn after turn, drawinginto your Fortune’s Future and your power cards like Dark Armed, Chaos Sorcerer and Return from the Different Dimension, all of which you can recycle using Cyber Valley’s third effect. I know what you’re thinking. Isn’t Cyber Valley’s second effect amazing with Light? Yes. Or at least it would be if this game made any sense. Light obviously misses timing when used with Valley but that doesn’t make it useless. First off: it’s a level 1, meaning it’s an extra target for your One for One if you’re already going. The same applies for Sangan. It’s first effect stops entire Battle Phases, allowing you to survive until you can start taking the board back with a Light+Denial play. Do you see why Denial is so much better than Compulsory? You can use it aggressively and it brings out your Lady right away, not during your opponent’s turn where it won’t even resolve its effect and get hit by a Caius. We need to talk about is Creature Swap. Remember the game plan? We need to resolve Water EVERY TURN. Sometimes your opponent has a set Ryko. Sometimes they have Dandylion tokens. Sometimes their monsters are too big for Dark to run over. In this last scenario, Book of Moon helps her win battles where she’d otherwise lose. In all other cases, Swap gives the opponent a Water that Dark can run over and immediately summon back to draw 2. You can also swap them a Light and then pop her with Skull Lair, reaping all the benefits of Swap. Sangan, Apprentice and Tomato are additional targets that you can give your opponent to ensure that your Dark can bring back Water every turn. If she draws into a Denial, you can toss it to trade your resources with your opponent. You’ll come out ahead if your game plan is working. The rest of the cards in your deck are powerful finishers or good mid game tools. Torrential and Call of the Haunted work very well with Light and Water respectively. Strangely enough, Water cannot miss timing. Storm and MST help clear the way for your power plays. This list doesn’t run Brain Control but thinking back I believe it should, you can use it with Dark, Creature Swap and Cyber Valley. Another card you can consider is Gold Sarcophagus to either get a powerful one-of or to turn your Fortune’s Future into a Destiny Draw (please stay away from Necroface though). Gorz doesn’t work with Skull Lair but it’s a strong card when you don’t have it or they get rid of it. Tragoedia works well when your hand size is large and it can help you dump Ladies you want to banish from the graveyard to steal monsters (most of the time the levels won’t line up, though.) The side deck you see is just an example and hasn’t been tested yet. Nobleman helps you solve the Ryko problem but it won’t let your Dark run over something. Maybe Forbidden Chalice is a better option in this deck. Dust Tornado is your friend against Royal Oppression.